Cardfight!! Vanguard: overDress Lyrical Monasterio (Trick or Trick!) - Booster Box (16 Packs)

Sale Price$59.99 USD
We Got It! (10 items in stock)


Introducing the new set for Lyrical Monasterio! New under the spotlight are “Tr!ple×Tr!ck, Fenelle”, “LèVre♡SœurS, Charmout” and “Gorgon Eyes, Siana”!

  • Featured Nations: Lyrical Monasterio
  • Card Types (94 types of cards):
    • RRR: 16 types
    • ORR: 1 type
    • RR: 19 types
    • R: 21 types
    • C: 37 types
  • Each pack is guaranteed to include 2 foiled cards!

Booster box contains 16 packs. Each pack contains 7 random cards.


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