D&D: Treasure Nest Dice Bag - Beholder

Sale Price$14.99 USD
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Need +5 to dice hoarding? We've got you covered with the Treasure Nest dice bag for Dungeons & Dragons! Each dice bag features iconic Hydro74 monster artwork on one side and a themed D&D ampersand on the other. With a soft outer fabric and velvety inner lining, this dice bag can securely store and protect up to 100 dice with a drawstring and clasp closure. This Drawstring Dice Bag measures approximately 6.25 in. x 8.5 in. when empty, and is the perfect accessory for any RPG adventurer or dice enthusiast!

- Officially licensed dice bag for Dungeons & Dragons featuring iconic artwork by Hydro74
- Soft outer fabric with velvety inner lining
- Features a wide opening and a secure drawstring and clasp closure
- Measures approximately 6.25 in. x 8.5 in. when empty
- The perfect accessory for any D&D adventurer or dice enthusiast!

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